Invisible Cities - Reflective Statement

During my Invisible Cities project I gained a lot of new knowledge. Prior to this course I had never used Photoshop or really drawn digitally much before and so looking back now I am surprised and happy about how far I have come, producing three final paintings which I am quite happy with.
So far it has been a really interesting experience and I have really enjoyed learning the new programs and trying different techniques.
Concerning my three final paintings, I can see now that there are many things that I can work on for future projects, such as trying out different perspectives, and doing many more thumbnails to really narrow down the best perspective and look for my final work. In my exterior low-angle shot I should have shown more of the world around the cart and so having a different perspective would have really strengthened my final piece. Looking at my exterior shot I should have worked more on the background to really add depth and to try and make my city feel like it is really there in that environment, instead of just floating among some trees. With my interior shot I again should have used more thumbnails to find the best perspective to show more of the dome and maybe show a interior water system or how people can move around inside of the domes.
Looking back I have really enjoyed this project and I am looking forward to learning more Photoshop in the future so that I can carry on improving my painting as well as developing other skills.


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